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EFAP Podcast
Every job starts with a decision to try.

The Employment First Advisory Partnership (EFAP) believes all Coloradans with disabilities should be welcomed into the workplace and recognized for their interests, strengths and contributions. EFAP focuses the multi-stakeholder leadership, collaboration and passion needed to make systems change for the benefit of people with disabilities, businesses and the Colorado economy.
Watch the Latest Podcast
"The EFAP podcasts do not represent formal opinions of state agencies, the State of Colorado, or the federal government."
Panel Discussion: History of EFAP
Listen to an engaging panel discussion with leaders who were involved in the effort to pass Employment First legislation in Colorado and hear how the Employment First Advisory Partnership was formed. The panel shares how passion, collaboration, and partnerships were integral in driving change and how all of you can champion this work in your communities.
Jennifer Scilacci, Panel Facilitator
DVR Communications Manager
Katherine Carol, Panelist
Co-Chair EFAP, Subject Matter Expert, Parent
Marilee Boylan, Panelist
Previous Co-Chair EFAP
John Kefalas, Panelist
Larimer County Commissioner
Robert Lawhead, Panelist
Consultant, Lawhead Unlimited Ventures
EFAP Podcast
Catch Up on Past Episodes
"The EFAP podcasts do not represent formal opinions of state agencies, the State of Colorado, or the federal government."
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