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Benefits Planning

Build the Life You Want. Keep the Benefits You Need.

A certified Benefits Planner can help you build your income while getting what you need from public assistance programs. Select the button to access our Benefits Planning Guide and to find a Benefits Planner.

Interested in learning more about benefits?

As􀀂 you􀀂 enter􀀂 the􀀂 workforce􀀂 and􀀂 build􀀂 your􀀂 career,􀀂 your􀀂 benefits􀀂 and􀀂 income􀀂 can􀀂 work􀀂 together􀀂 in􀀂 a􀀂 way􀀂 that􀀂 is􀀂 meaningful􀀂 to􀀂 your􀀂 employment􀀂 journey.

What is Benefits Planning?

Use this infographic to understand what benefits are and what a Benefits Planner does.

Ways to Find and Pay for Benefits Planning

Use this infographic to discover ways to access Benefits Planning at no cost to you.

Explore Disability Benefits 101

Use the Benefits Planning Estimator to make work a part of your plan.

Get Help Applying for Disability Benefits

Need a little support? Request assistance in applying for SSI/SSDI.

This dynamic video highlights real-life examples about the importance of talking with a Benefits Planner. The video shows how people with disabilities are increasing their income through work while keeping the benefits they need.
Photo of Benefits Counseling Infographics
We created two infographics to help you learn about what benefits are and how to pay for them. They are available in English and Spanish.
This button takes you to a Google Drive folder that has each flyer. To download a flyer, right click on the one you want. Then left click on 'download'. 

It's never too late or too early to partner with a Benefits Planner!

Help us raise awareness about how benefits and employment can work together to support people on their employment journey. Check out the Benefits Planning Social Media Toolkit!

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